Dermatologic Surgery
Manhattan Dermatology
General, Surgical, & Cosmetic Dermatology & Mohs Surgery located in Midtown East, New York, NY
When you notice an unwanted or abnormal growth or lesion, you want the most skilled dermatologic surgeon possible to restore the look and health of your skin. The highly skilled, experienced, and widely respected dermatologic surgeons at Manhattan Dermatology in New York City’s Murray Hill and Midtown East provide you the most effective, state-of-the-art care possible. Your doctor treats your mole or growth expediently and expertly. If you live or work in Midtown Manhattan, contact the helpful, supportive Manhattan Dermatology team or book a consultation online.
Dermatologic Surgery Q & A
How do I know if my mole is abnormal?
Any time you notice a change in your moles or detect a new skin lesion, consult the experts at Manhattan Dermatology. Your doctor either confirms or rules out precancerous or cancerous lesions, such as:
- Actinic keratosis
- Atypical moles
- Basal cell carcinoma (BCC)
- Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
- Merkel cell carcinoma
- Malignant melanoma
Contact your doctor immediately if your mole has any of the “ABCDE” characteristics of cancerous lesions:
A — Asymmetry
When you draw an imaginary line through the center of your mole, each half should match. If your mole is oddly shaped, you may have an abnormal mole.
B — Borders that are ragged, notched, or scalloped
The edges of your mole should be even. Notches, scallops, and ragged edges are abnormal.
C — Color that varies
A normal mole is a single shade. If you notice varied shades of tan, brown, and black in a single mole, or if your mole is red, white, or blue, get it evaluated as soon as possible.
D — Diameter greater than a pencil eraser
Watch your moles to see if they grow. Moles that are larger than a pencil eraser may need to be removed.
E — Evolving
Moles that change shape, size, or texture are suspicious. Also contact your Manhattan Dermatology doctor if your moles bleed or ooze, itch, hurt, or don’t heal.
How do dermatologists remove moles and skin cancer?
The Manhattan Dermatology doctors remove benign moles and lesions with surgery. They also reconstruct your skin afterward.
When your lesion is cancerous, you may be a candidate for a highly specialized procedure called Mohs micrographic surgery. Dr. Wendy Long is Manhattan Dermatology’s Mohs expert. Mohs surgery has a 97-99% cure rate for skin cancer.
What happens when I get Mohs surgery?
Dr. Wendy Long removes a layer of your mole and surrounding healthy skin. She then examines it under a microscope to evaluate the presence of malignant cells. She continues the process until the cancerous lesion has been eliminated.
Can I get a cyst or lipoma removed?
Your team of doctors at Manhattan Dermatology removes other types of benign growths, including cysts and lipomas. They restore your skin with surgery, lasers, and other therapies.
Stay healthy for life with regular skin-cancer screenings. If you have a suspicious mole, call your Manhattan Dermatology team right away.
Medical, Cosmetic, & Surgical Services
Acnemore info
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